Archives: June 13, 2016


Grameen Vikas Shodh Avam Takniki Kendra is intervening for promoting education among rural children within its operational area from the inception. NGO has augmenting the education in human development process. GVSTK implemented several educational projects in past, and presently numerous educational activities being organized in rural area.


Organization’s operational area is semi arid zone and prone to drought area. Water scarcity and insufficient rain fall adversely affecting on rain fed agriculture. So poverty is rising rapidly. To enhanced livelihood GVSTK has implementing different projects for rural families. NGO also providing skills to youth and adolescents by vocational / technical trainings.


GVSTK is empowering youth- women and adolescent groups for their rights- legal privileges and socio- economic security.  NGO is intervening by several funded and non funded efforts to generate empowerment among rural population. GVSTK organizing trainings- workshops & seminars to achieve the goal and timely reviewing the impact of change.


GVSTK mobilizing the rural population towards development options basing on awareness. It is campaigning for awareness by Information- Education- Communication (IEC) activities at grass root. NGO believes that success in development process is impossible, if rural society is not aware for opportunities and self reliance.


The NGO is extremely conscious for health and wellbeing of rural population. So the GVSTK is time to time executing health related activities in villages. GVSTK also incorporating Government health schemes with its ongoing projects. NGO is ensuring accessibility for rural people up to Government health system for better health. GVSTK is also active for health education.


Balanced environment and ecological system is essential for our lives. So GVSTK is organizing activities to aware rural communities on environmental protection. NGO is ensuring plantation at community and household level. It is promoting greenery on pasturelands and community lands with collaboration of other agencies.